A celebration of dance, digital arts and taonga pūoro through a Southern Pacific lens.
AOTEAROA NZ | Good Company Arts
Internationally award-winning projects Pōtaka Nautilus and Pepe return home with a hybrid fusion of dance, music, theatre and cinematic artistry. Their union of live performance and digital cinema highlights the power of the arts to raise awareness of global ecological issues.
Guided by arts icon and composer Kuia Gillian Karawe Whitehead, taonga pūoro musician-composers Te Tumu Toi Arts Laureate Ariana Tikao, Dr Ruby Solly, Mahina-Ina Kingi-Kaui and Alistair Fraser perform live to large-format film projections, activating a stage and cinema experience. Good Company Arts director film maker Daniel Belton and his digital team support this stellar rōpū with virtuosic screen performances by leading dance artists from Aotearoa New Zealand.
The collaboration of renowned and celebrated artists presents a cultural time capsule focussing on the musicianship and beauty of taonga pūoro in dialogue with contemporary dance (kanikani) and digital arts.
There is flat access through the main entrance on Harrop Street. There are no designated wheelchair seats but these can be arranged when booking your tickets through the box office. There are easily accesible toilets.