The Sea Inside Her is an exhibition of paintings, poetry and a short film featuring Dunedin dance icon Kilda Northcott.
It is an immersive experience about the fragility of staying in control of oneself. The work is a playful contemplation of Western society's relationship with nature — how we are affected by nature and our influence on it, while holding onto the idea that we are somehow separate.
The pieces depict an older woman’s response to a wild animal encroaching on her domestic space, and lean into movement and the fantastical within the mundane to connect with people on a visceral bodybrain level.
The artists create a lyricism within the space, utilising paint, text and, in the moving image work, performers, puppets and household objects.
The concept was initiated and produced by artists and filmmakers Alyx Duncan and Michele Powles, in collaboration with editor Adam-Luka Turjak. The moving image work is produced by Lani-rain Feltham, shot by Gin Loane, with art direction by Robin Rawstorne.